Historic Garden Week 2021 Recap

Dear Ladies of the Augusta Garden Club,

Many, many thanks to you all for a very successful and beautiful HGW tour yesterday.  The gardens and arrangements were truly outstanding!  Everyone rose to the challenge, and we pulled off an amazing tour.  

We heard from so many visitors after their visit how much they enjoyed their experience.  I think people were very excited to get out and see all the beauty of the gardens and flower arrangements.  You all truly outdid yourselves – the arrangements, containers and embellishments were gorgeous.  

Kudos to Susan for leading us through a very difficult year to such a satisfactory conclusion.  Her attention to detail and willingness to accommodate so many changes contributed greatly to the success of the tour.  You have no idea how many things she coordinated and handled with grace.  

Thanks, also, to the team chairs for all their hard work in constantly changing conditions.  We also thank Linda and Marie, Bill and Kathy, and Andrew from the WWPL for the entertaining and educational talks.  Working together, we pulled off a great experience for about 400 visitors and members.  

It was so great to come together to put together and pull off an amazing Historic Garden Week 2021.  Thanks, thanks, thanks for everyone’s contributions.  Our club is something special!

With sincere gratitude,